Los CFD son instrumentos complejos y tienen un alto riesgo de pérdida rápida de dinero debido al apalancamiento. El 77% de las cuentas de inversores minoristas pierden dinero cuando intercambian CFD con este proveedor. Debe considerar si comprende cómo funcionan los CFD y si puede permitirse asumir el alto riesgo de perder su dinero.
Los CFD son instrumentos complejos y tienen un alto riesgo de pérdida rápida de dinero debido al apalancamiento. El 76% de las cuentas de inversores particulares pierden dinero cuando invierten en CFD con este proveedor. Debe considerar si comprende cómo funcionan los CFD y si puede permitirse asumir el alto riesgo de perder su dinero. Lea nuestra advertencia de riesgo completa.

Trigo (ZW)

CFD del precio diario al contado del trigo (ZW).

Product Type: Commodity CFD Market: CBOT
Currency: USD Measurement Unit: Bushel
Full trading conditions >>


Sold as an over-the-counter exchange-traded contract, wheat (ticker symbol: ZW) has become extremely popular among institutional and individual traders over the past few decades. Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), the world's oldest and largest futures and options exchange, and the original introducer of wheat contracts, issues wheat prices daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. These are quoted in terms of one bushel of wheat - equivalent to approximately 60 pounds – per one US dollar. A major advantage of trading wheat is that you don't have to hold the contract until it expires. And, you can cancel it anytime you want. Plus, as a staple-commodity and a major constituent of the world’s diet – the cereal grain will generally always have high demand.    
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Interesting Facts:

  • Wheat trade is probably as old as wheat growing – going as far back as the Neolithic Revolution (around 9,000 BC).
  • Wheat is among the world’s most liquid exchange-traded commodities. As an agriculture commodity, it is by far the number one most traded product of its category.
  • Wheat contracts can be traded on the CBOT and NYSE, from Monday to Friday, 9:30 to 16:00 EST.
  • China, Russia, USA, India and France are the largest producers of wheat in the world. Wheat and wheat-by-products play a substantial role in determining these countries’ gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate.
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