Pogodbe za razliko (CFD-ji) so zapleteni instrumenti, ki zaradi vzvoda vključujejo visoko stopnjo tveganja, da hitro izgubite denar. 76% računov majhnih vlagateljev na drobno izgubi denar pri trgovanju s CFD-ji pri tem ponudniku. Razmislite, če si lahko privoščite prevzem tveganja pred izgubo denarja. Preberite celotno opozorilo o tveganju.
CFD so zapleteni instrumenti in predstavljajo tveganje za hitro izgubijo denarja, zaradi finančnega vzvoda. 77% računov vlagateljev na drobno izgubi denar pri trgovanju s CFD-ji pri tem ponudniku. Morate pretehtati, ali si lahko privoščite, da prevzamete veliko tveganje za izgubo svojega denarja.
Please Notice
Based on your current location/IP address, you will be provided services by Fortrade Cyprus. 76% of retail CFD client accounts lose money

Strategije Trgovanja Dneva

Tunnel Strategy (level 1)

With this strategy you are looking for a break in a uniform trend.

Fractal Strategy (level 1)

With this strategy you are looking for averages and fractals which indicate the possibility of a future trend.

Fibo Trap Strategy (level 3)

With this reverse strategy the goal is to identify the end of a correction and enter when a new trend begins.

Zoom In Strategy (level 3)

In this strategy, the goal is to identify a new minor trend, and properly time your entry.

Semi-Automatic Strategies

Exclusive Indicator developed by our experts. On screen display will announce the current automatic analysis.

T-Chaser Strategy (level 3)

The goal with this strategy is to identify the start of a new trend.

Zigzag Strategy (level 2)

The purpose of this strategy is to take advantage of the momentum that is created following a breakout.

Wave Tracker Strategy (level 2)

With this strategy you need to identify, using indicators, a change in rate direction, and join the new trend.

Fishing strip strategy (level 2)

With this strategy you are looking for turning points which indicate the possibility of a change in trend direction.

Trend Signal Strategy (level 1)

With this strategy, you are looking for a shift in the current trend to a previous trend.

Takojšnja brezplačna prijava
Odprite demo račun in trenirajte brez tveganja z uporabo virtualnega denarja.