ЦФД (CFD) се комплексни инструменти и носат висок ризик од брзо губење пари како резултат на левериџ. 76% од сметките на клиентите-физички лица губат пари кога тргуваат со CFD. Треба да размислите дали можете да си дозволите да преземете голем ризик да ги изгубите парите. Прочитајте целосно Предупредување за ризик.
CFDs се комплексни инструменти и содржат висок ризик од брзо губење пари поради левериџ. 77% од ритеил инвеститорите губат пари кога тргуваат со CFDs со овој провајдер. Треба да размислите дали можете да си дозволите да преземете висок ризик од губење на вашите пари.
Filip Dimkovski - Writer for Fortrade

Filip Dimkovski


Trading, Finance, Information Technology, Computer Science, Linguistics, SEO


BSc CS from the University of Maribor, Slovenia


Filip has a keen interest in global market strategies and has been writing about trade and investment since 2017. He specializes in finance and information technology and is exceptionally knowledgeable about blockchain development. Filip widened his content writing skill set at an award-winning digital marketing company, where he focused on SEO content production.

Цитат од Filip Dimkovski

"Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments." - Leon Louw, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

About Fortrade's Editorial Process

At Fortrade, we're dedicated to delivering accurate, reliable, and transparent content for online foreign exchange and CFD trading. We prioritize accuracy through rigorous fact-checking, cite reputable sources, and maintain high editorial standards. Our content is presented in user-friendly language to benefit both experienced traders and beginners. We uphold compliance with regulatory standards and emphasize data privacy and security. Education is central to our mission, and we continuously improve our content while remaining independent and impartial. Our commitment extends to making content accessible across platforms for traders' convenience.

Најново од Filip Dimkovski


