CFD-të janë instrumente komplekse dhe vijnë me një rrezik të lartë të humbjes së parave për shkak të levave. 76% e llogarive të klientëve me pakicë humbasin para kur bëjnë tregti me CFD. Ju duhet të konsideroni nëse mund t'i bëni ballë rrezikut të lartë të humbjes së parave tuaja. Lexoni Paralajmërimin e plotë të rrezikut.
CFD-të janë instrumente komplekse dhe vijnë me një rrezik të lartë të humbjes së parave për shkak të levave. 77% e llogarive të investitorëve mund të humbasin paratë kur tregtojnë me kontrata CFD. Duhet të merrni në konsideratë nëse mund të përballoni rrezikun e humbjes së parave tuaja.
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Based on your current location/IP address, you will be provided services by Fortrade Cyprus. 76% of retail CFD client accounts lose money

Video-klipet tregtare

Disponohet vetëm në anglisht.

The World of Global Trading

An overview of the trading market, different financial instruments explained and the main factors that drive the market, general introduction of the trading market.

Capital Management

One of the biggest mistakes traders do is mishandling their capital. In this lesson you’ll learn: Why capital management is a must, the most important rules of capital management, how do individual can tailor the best capital management for himself?

Trading Psychology

This is probably the most important lesson in the course. Topics covered: Understanding the importance of emotional intelligence while trading, how to deal with the hatred of loss, psychological tools to improve mental behavior as a trader.

Market Analysis

This lesson generally explains what is market analysis and how to do it: Technical and Fundamental Analysis? what is the difference? Fundamental analysis, Technical analysis, Chart types and Dow’s theory.

Basic Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is a very common way to predict future movements of the market: Most common price patterns, Trends types, Support and resistance.

Advanced Technical Analysis

In this lesson, you’ll practice pattern recognition and advanced technical analysis techniques: Japanese candlestick charts, how to recognize a pattern, different type of price patterns, pattern risks, and how to trade when a pattern is recognized.

Regjistrohuni falas tani
Krijo llogari demo, praktikohuni pa risk me paratë virtuale.